This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.
Heritage eaters: Insects and fungi in heritage collections.
Florian, M-L.
1997 – London: James & James.
This is a great reference book on the identification, prevention and eradication of mold problems.
Florian, M-L. 1997. Heritage eaters: Insects and fungi in heritage collections. London: James & James.
Filter(s): Mold
Fungal Facts. Solving Fungal Problems in Heritage Collections.
Florian, M.L.E.
2002 – London: Archetype Publications.
This is a standard reference in terms of understanding mold and mold control. Mary-Lou Florian is a world authority on the subject of mold and has researched and published extensively on the subject. This book provides a basis for understanding and solving fungal problems in objects and collections
Florian, M.L.E. 2002. Fungal Facts. Solving Fungal Problems in Heritage Collections. London: Archetype Publications.
Filter(s): Mold
Mould Prevention and Collection Recovery: Guidelines for Heritage Collections. CCI Technical Bulletin No. 26.
Guild, S., and M. MacDonald.
2004 – Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
This complete reference contains general information regarding fungi morphology, prevention, health effects and actions to take in case an infestation occurs, with details on appropriate methods for mold removal and personal protection. It does not include information on chemical methods to deal with mold as these methods are generally no longer recommended. (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot)
Guild, S., and M. MacDonald. 2004. Mould Prevention and Collection Recovery: Guidelines for Heritage Collections. CCI Technical Bulletin No. 26. Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
Filter(s): Mold
Combating the moulds which develop on cultural property in tropical climates. In The conservation of cultural property, with special reference to tropical conditions.
Heim, R., F. Flieder and J. Nicot.
1968 – Paris: UNESCO. 41-52.
Heim, R., F. Flieder and J. Nicot. 1968. Combating the moulds which develop on cultural property in tropical climates. In The conservation of cultural property, with special reference to tropical conditions. Paris: UNESCO. 41-52.
Filter(s): Mold
It takes more than low RH to control mold.
McCrady, E.
1-Jul – Mold Reporter 1(4):42.
McCrady, E. July 2001. It takes more than low RH to control mold. Mold Reporter 1(4):42.
Filter(s): Mold
Treatment and Research Notes from the Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservation. 2002. Vol. 3, no. 2.
MET Objectives
2002 – MET Objectives
Two separate articles are relevant to this topic: The Conservation of Tiffany Drawings, by Ann Baldwin (p. 7-9); and The Fungal Genome Project, by Maria Di Bonaventura (p. 9). (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot)
MET Objectives. Treatment and Research Notes from the Sherman Fairchild Center for Objects Conservation. 2002. Vol. 3, no. 2.
Filter(s): Mold