Preventative Bibliography

This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.

The Winterthur guide to caring for your collection

Landrey, G.
2000 – Winterthur, Delaware: Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum

Landrey, G., et al. 2000. The Winterthur guide to caring for your collection. Winterthur, Delaware: Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum.

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference

The care of antiques and historical collections. 2nd ed.

MacLeish, A. B.
1985 – Nashville, Tennessee: AASLH Press.

MacLeish, A. B. 1985. The care of antiques and historical collections. 2nd ed. Reprint, Nashville, Tennessee: AASLH Press.

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference

Museum Handbook, Part I: Museum Collections.

2005 – NPS

National Park Service. 2005. Museum Handbook, Part I: Museum Collections. Available at: A printed edition exists from 1990.

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference

Museum Microclimates

Padfield, T. and K. Borchensen (eds.).
2007 – National Museum Denmark

This publication includes the most recent proceedings of the latest conference on environmental climates recommended for museums. The text is fully available online through the National Museum of Denmark website ( and I highly recommend that you consult it to see the breadth of expertise and recommendations that is available on the topic. Of particular interest is a PowerPoint commentary by Marion Mecklenburg that summarizes the results of the conference and his thinking in this area. (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot)

Padfield, T. and K. Borchensen (eds.). 2007. Museum Microclimates. National Museum of Denmark.

Filter(s): Collections Care, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Environmental Management

Preventive conservation: practice, theory and research: Preprints of the contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September.

Roy, A. and P. Smith, eds.
1994 – London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

Roy, A. and P. Smith, eds. 1994. Preventive conservation: practice, theory and research: Preprints of the contributions to the Ottawa Congress, 12-16 September. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference

Conservation and exhibitions: packing, transport, storage and environmental conditions

Stolow, N.
1986 – London: Butterworth Publishers

Stolow, N. 1986. Conservation and exhibitions: packing, transport, storage and environmental conditions. London: Butterworth Publishers.

Filter(s): Housing, Storage, and Display, Packing and Transport, Environmental Management