This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.
The Mold Reporter
Abbey Publications
no date – Abbey Publications
The Mold Reporter is an Abbey Publications, which covers varied issues related to mold, in particular as health and environmental issues. Ellen McCrady, the editor, does a good job of compiling all the relevant information on mold, as it is published in various journals, and summarizing this information in this publication. She also gives reviews of recent publications on the issue of mold. Volume 1, no. 4 (July 2001) also offers a list of informative websites on mold.
Filter(s): Mold
Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems and Equipment: 2000 ASHRAE Handbook
2000 – Atlanta, Georgia: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ASHRAE. 2000. Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems and Equipment: 2000 ASHRAE Handbook. Atlanta, Georgia: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
Filter(s): Environmental Management
Energy Conservation and Climate Control in Museums.
Ayres, J., J. Marx, C. Haiad, H. Lau.
1988 – Los Angeles: Ayres Ezer Lau Consulting Engineers.
Ayres, J., J. Marx, C. Haiad, H. Lau. 1988. Energy Conservation and Climate Control in Museums. Los Angeles: Ayres Ezer Lau Consulting Engineers.
Filter(s): Environmental Management
Energy Conservation and Climate Control in Museums: Skylights, Filtration, Condensation, Infiltration/Pressurization, Vestibules and Outdoor Air Control. Los Angeles: Ayres Ezer Lau, Inc.
Ayres Ezer Lau, Inc.
1990 – Los Angeles: Ayres Ezer Lau, Inc.
Ayres Ezer Lau, Inc. 1990. Energy Conservation and Climate Control in Museums: Skylights, Filtration, Condensation, Infiltration/Pressurization, Vestibules and Outdoor Air Control. Los Angeles: Ayres Ezer Lau, Inc.
Filter(s): Environmental Management
Humidity and moisture in historic buildings: the origins of building and object conservation.
Brown, J. and W. Rose.
1996 – APT Bulletin 27 (3): 12-23.
Brown, J. and W. Rose. 1996. Humidity and moisture in historic buildings: the origins of building and object conservation. APT Bulletin 27 (3): 12-23.
Filter(s): Environmental Management
Environmental management: guidelines for museums and galleries.
Cassar, M.
1995 – New York: Routledge.
Cassar, M. 1995. Environmental management: guidelines for museums and galleries. New York: Routledge.
Filter(s): Environmental Management