Preventative Bibliography

This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.

The Museum Environment

Thompson, G.
1986 – London: Butterworth Publishers

Although this book is about 20 years old, it remains a standard textbook on the topic of museum environment; Thomson was a pioneer in setting up parameters that remain in effect (many with slight modification) until today. Few books, if any, compare to this publication in its breadth and it remains still today a great reference. (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot)

Thompson, G. 1986. The Museum Environment. 2nd ed. London: Butterworth Publishers.

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference, Environmental Management

Guidelines and Procedures for Preventive Conservation at Winterthur Museum

Winterthur Preventive Team
2014 – Winterthur, DE: Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library

Winterthur Museum. 2014. Guidelines and Procedures for Preventive Conservation at Winterthur Museum. Winterthur, DE: Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library.

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference

CCI Notes

Canadian Conservation Institute
varies – Canadian Conservation Institute

Here you can download pdf copies of all CCI notes. CCI Notes deal with topics of interest to those who care for cultural objects. Intended for a broad audience, the Notes offer practical advice about issues and questions related to the care, handling, and storage of cultural objects. Many Notes are illustrated, and provide bibliographies as well as suggestions for contacting suppliers. Written by CCI staff, there are currently over 100 Notes in this ever-expanding series. (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot) (accessed [March 24, 2010]). (accessed [March 24, 2010]).

Filter(s): Collections Care, General Reference

Museum Climate in a Changing World

American Institute for Conservation
unknown – American Institute for Conservation

This provides an excellent historical background, and an overview of the issues at the forefront of the discussions since 2008 related to a relaxation of the current environmental parameters in museums, with the ultimate goal to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint in museums. While the historical background is a bit lengthy, it also helps provide a solid overview of past and current thinking, with a great list of references, most of which are also available online. (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot)

American Institute for Conservation wiki. Museum Climate in a Changing World. Available at: (accessed 07/31/2015)

Filter(s): General Reference, Environmental Management

Environmental monitoring and revised environmental standards at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Anderson, C. E., and C. Kestner.
2003 – Milton Keyes, UK: Environmental Building Solutions, Ltd.

This is an excellent overview discussing the RH/T parameters adopted for the over 350 buildings at Colonial Williamsburg, taking into account the particular weather of their location, the building fabrics, and the many years of observation on the impact of environmental factors on the preservation of historical collections. The new parameters allow the RH/T to float year-round, rather than having different set points between the warm and cold seasons. (provided by Bruno P. Pouliot)

Anderson, C. E., and C. Kestner. 2003. Environmental monitoring and revised environmental standards at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. In Environmental Monitoring of our Cultural Heritage-Sustainable Conservation Solutions. Milton Keyes, UK: Environmental Building Solutions, Ltd. (exact page numbers unknown)

Filter(s): Relative Humidity and Temperature, Environmental Management

Comparing temperature and relative humidity data-loggers for museum monitoring

Arenstein, R.P.
2011 – Washington, D.C.: National Park Service

This source, published by the National Parks Service, is a summary of what the data logger is, its purpose and uses, variations in types of data loggers, as well as the many variables that need to be considered when purchasing one. The source overviews several different types of loggers that are appropriate for monitoring environmental conditions in cultural institutions as well as the perceived positives and negatives of each one. This is a useful source for those either unfamiliar with data loggers or who are looking to purchase one and are looking for information on how to choose the best logger for their institution. (written by Claire Curran)

Arenstein, R.P. 2011. Comparing temperature and relative humidity data-loggers for museum monitoring. Conserv O Gram. 3/3. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service.

Filter(s): Relative Humidity and Temperature, Environmental Management