Preventative Bibliography

This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.

Guidelines for Disaster Preparedness.

International Council of Museums.
1983 – International Council of Museums

This source, published by the International Council of Museums, is a guide for preparing an emergency plan. It reviews emergency planning and operation (what to do before), primary emergency protection (what to focus on and procedures, before, during, and after a disaster), as well as making the plan. It specifically focuses on the importance of having an emergency manager as well as doing routine drills to keep staff familiar with the emergency plan. The most useful sections of this source are the ?action guide? checklists that provide items to include in an emergency plan. This source was provided as a link in the recommendations section of the author?s report for how to begin writing an emergency plan. (written by Claire Curran)

International Council of Museums. 1983. Guidelines for Disaster Preparedness. (accessed 4/6/2014).

Filter(s): Emergency Preparedness and Response

Developing a Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response Plan.

American Alliance for Museums.
2012 – American Alliance for Museums.

This source is intended to help an institution plan and write an emergency plan. It first identifies what this plan is, why it is important, and what to consider when making an emergency plan. Following this, it identifies the components of an emergency plan such as emergency clean-up and salvage procedures as well as institutional specific information. This source also provides links to additional sources that will be helpful for developing an emergency plan. This source was provided as a link in the recommendations section of the author?s report for how to begin writing an emergency plan. (written by Claire Curran)

American Alliance for Museums. 2012. Developing a Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response Plan. (accessed 4/7/2014).

Filter(s): Emergency Preparedness and Response

A note on the movement of moisture between the components in a sealed package.

Toishi, K. and T. Gotoh.
1994 – Studies in Conservation 39:265-271.

Toishi, K. and T. Gotoh. 1994. A note on the movement of moisture between the components in a sealed package. Studies in Conservation 39:265-271.

Filter(s): Packing and Transport, Environmental Management

Conservation surveys: ethical issues and standards.

Berrett, K.
1994 – Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 33:193-198.

Berrett, K. 1994. Conservation surveys: ethical issues and standards. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 33:193-198.

Filter(s): Surveys and Assessments

Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management & Response.

National Park Service.
1993 – National Park Service.

This source, published by the National Park Service, is intended to help institutions in formulating a disaster plan. It reviews how to plan, salvage, and care for objects in a natural disaster. The focus is on paper objects, but provides helpful information that is pertinent for any objects or institution in planning for a disaster. It provides a step-by-step procedure for evacuation procedures and what to do in various types of natural disasters such as fire, hurricanes, and tornadoes. The step-by-step procedures were the most helpful section of the source as it is more generalized and less focused on paper as a material. Following this section are salvage procedures for paper and library materials, which is less helpful as a general source, but does provide good information that can be applied more generally such as drying and guarding against mold formation. This source was provided as a link in the recommendations section of the author?s report for how to begin writing an emergency plan. (written by Claire Curran)

National Park Service. 1993. Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management & Response. (accessed 4/6/2014).

Filter(s): Emergency Preparedness and Response

Building an Emergency Plan: A guide for museum and other cultural institutions.

Dorge, V. and S. Jones.
1999 – Getty publications

This source, compiled by Getty publications, is a book organized into parts and chapters that help guide the reader through forming an emergency plan. Examples of some of these of chapters include "An Introduction to Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning," "Communications," and "Training." Each chapter is broken down into useful sections that include an introduction, your [the reader] role, and information the reader will need as they proceed through the process. The appendix includes the Getty’s Emergency Plan, which is helpful as a sample for any institution in getting started. This source was provided as a link in the recommendations section of the author’s report for how to begin writing an emergency plan. (written by Claire Curran)

Dorge, V. and S. Jones. 1999. Building an Emergency Plan: A guide for museum and other cultural institutions. (accessed 4/6/2014).

Filter(s): Emergency Preparedness and Response