This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.
Long range conservation planning for museums.
Beale, A.
1987 – Virginia Association of Museums Technical Information.:1-2,9.
Beale, A. 1987. Long range conservation planning for museums. Virginia Association of Museums Technical Information.:1-2,9.
Filter(s): Surveys and Assessments
FEMA Map Service Center.
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
2014 – Federal Emergency Management Agency.
This site contained several maps by location for determining the flood rating system for a particular area within a region. This source was used to designate the flood rating for question 10.13 on the American Alliance for Museum?s (AAM?s) General Facilities Report. This source was not easy to use as the interface did not allow one to easily identify or zoom in on the areas in question, but it was the only source available for providing this rating. (written by Claire Curran)
Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2014. FEMA Map Service Center. (accessed 4/6/2014).
Filter(s): Emergency Preparedness and Response
The conservation of heritage interiors-preprints. Preprints of Symposium 2000.
Canadian Conservation Institute.
2000 – Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
Canadian Conservation Institute. 2000. The conservation of heritage interiors-preprints. Preprints of Symposium 2000. Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
Filter(s): Surveys and Assessments
Environmental surveys for the small museum: a case study.
Hammell, R., R. Ortega, K. Berrett, M. Rogers.
1990/1996? – AAM Sourcebook?: 136-162. Copyright Rockwood Museum.
Hammell, R., R. Ortega, K. Berrett, M. Rogers. 1990/1996 Environmental surveys for the small museum: a case study. AAM Sourcebook?: 136-162. Copyright Rockwood Museum.
Filter(s): Surveys and Assessments
The Conservation Assessment. A Tool for Planning, Implementing, and Fundraising. S. W. Green, D. Brown, J.H. Chambers, and C. Gould. editors.
Getty Conservation Institute and National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property
1990 – Getty Conservation Institute and National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property
Getty Conservation Institute and National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. 1990. The Conservation Assessment. A Tool for Planning, Implementing, and Fundraising. S. W. Green, D. Brown, J.H. Chambers, and C. Gould. editors.
Filter(s): Surveys and Assessments
Risk assessment of collections in exhibitions at the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Muething, G., R. Waller, and F. Graham.
2005 – JAIC 44(3): 233-243.
A good article that presents the process of risk assessment in a practical context and the impact this may have on conservation decisions.
Muething, G., R. Waller, and F. Graham. 2005. Risk assessment of collections in exhibitions at the Canadian Museum of Nature. JAIC 44(3): 233-243.
Filter(s): Surveys and Assessments