This bibliography was initially prepared in May 2002 by Bruno Pouliot, with the collaboration and assistance of Linda Lennon, Winterthur Class of 1997, who then served as Assistant Conservator on different projects at Winterthur Museum and for WUDPAC. Responsibility for the bibliography was passed to Dr. Joelle Wickens in 2009. It is constantly updated and your suggestions for new sources are welcome. Resources can be filtered by the following topics: Collections Care, General Reference, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Management, Housing, Storage, and Display, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Light, Mold, Packing and Transport, Pollutants, Relative Humidity and Temperature, Surveys and Assessments, and Sustainability.
Museums Emergency Programme (MEP) BIBLIOGRAPHY ONLINE
The MEP project bibliography was initiated by ICOM to identify publications on various aspects of emergency preparedness and response. It is available through the Getty Conservation institute as a searchable database.
ICOM-CC. Museums Emergency Programme (MEP) BIBLIOGRAPHY ONLINE
Filter(s): Emergency Preparedness and Response, General Reference
Practical Climate Control: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography.
Kerschner, R. and J. Baker.
Kerschner, R. and J. Baker. 1998. Practical Climate Control: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography.
Filter(s): General Reference, Environmental Management
Bibliography on indoor air pollution, detection methods, material deterioration, mitigation methods, case stories, etc.
Ryhl-Svendsen, M.
unknown – Indoor Air Quality in Museums and Archives website
Ryhl-Svendsen, M. Bibliography on indoor air pollution, detection methods, material deterioration, mitigation methods, case stories, etc. Indoor Air Quality in Museums and Archives website
Filter(s): General Reference, Environmental Management
National Park service website: Exhibit Conservation Central.
Filter(s): Housing, Storage, and Display, General Reference
The ASHRAE Journal is available online at URL: (cost is $8. per article). ASHRAE stands for American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
Filter(s): General Reference, Environmental Management
Non-traditional pest control a selected bibliography. Unpublished bibliography.
Reiter, S.
1996 – Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation.
Reiter, S. 1996. Non-traditional pest control a selected bibliography. Unpublished bibliography. Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation.
Filter(s): General Reference, Integrated Pest Management